Monday, February 08, 2010

Bottom of the Barrel

The lower regions of watchable TV went something like this:
- More watchable -
Unfathomable Japanese animation in French on CBUFT
"Hooray for Harold Lloyd "
Tommy Hunter
- Unwatchable -
- This -

Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Boy Mechanic: Tunes that pop into my head about once a year...

The Boy Mechanic: Tunes that pop into my head about once a year...

Tunes that pop into my head about once a year...

It's 1982. Saturday afternoon. I'm probably working on Physics 200 problems at the dining room table. Pat is flipping channels trying to find cartoons ( this is back in the age when we had 12 channels. Eventually, inevitably, one of these shows is on.

To this day, I can still remember the songs

( of the two, Albator was the most kick-ass cartoon ever. First Anime I ever saw )